Retain patients, delight sites, drive ROI.

Clinical Companions is a tool to engage, educate, and retain pediatric clinical trial participants while creating world class experiences for caregivers and sites.


Families tell us that Clinical Companions lowers anxiety related to medical procedures and makes site visits less of a battle - helping them continue their clinical trial journey through ups and downs.


Empower your sites with new ways to talk with patients and families about clinical research, and tools to help their patients cope with scary medical procedures.


Interactive medical play helps children, teens, and even parents understand the medical procedures involved in their clinical trial.

“[My son] had a shot today and asked to bring his bear. He is usually super nervous with shots but he was so excited to have his bear with him. It was the perfect distraction.”

- Parent Testimonial

A New Industry Paradigm
Kim Quaintance-Lunn

VP, Head of Regulatory Science and Execution

Joe Dustin

VP, Product Strategy

Drug Information Association Logo

DIA Americas 2024 Inspire Award

Outstanding Contribution to Health
How We Improve Retention
  1. Sites provide children and teens with a companion and interactive app that simulates the same medical care that they will receive throughout the trial.
  2. By caring for their companion, children and teens better understand the medical procedures they will experience, setting expectations, and helping them grasp their commitment to participating in a clinical trial.
  3. Patients and caregivers feel supported throughout the clinical trial.
An illustration of a medical professional holding a Clinical Companion while a child and their parent interact with medical play
Bring Clinical Companions to Your Trials

Trial Cost Estimator *

10 patients
$7,500 per patient

Interested in learning more?

Schedule a Call

* Special pricing available for hospitals and academic institutions.